Reclamation of Weaselskin Pit
Sky Ute Sand and Gravel mined top quality aggregate products from the Weaselskin Pit for over ten years. After the mining was complete, SECMG designed a plan to restore this site back to its original condition. The reclamation project was separated into two parts: one for major earth work activities and a second for revegetation (seedbed preparation, seeding, and mulching). The reclamation was a success. The site is now fully revegetated and is used by a variety of wildlife.
County Roads 516 and 518 Water Line Project
The Southern Ute Utilities Division completed a water line installation project to provide local tribal members with municipal water along County Road 516 and County Road 518. SECMG helped Utilities with all aspects of environmental permitting for this project including: securing the appropriate Clean Water Act permits, monitoring stormwater compliance during construction, conducting bald eagle surveys and completing post-construction wetland monitoring and reporting.
Gas Pipeline Leak Emergency Response Drill
On April 2, 2014, the Southern Ute Utilities Division conducted an exercise in which a gas leak on a customer service line was simulated. A one-inch HDPE section of pipe was buried and pressurized using compressed air. The exercise allowed Utilities employees to gain experience with isolating a section of gas pipeline, replacing the damaged section and restoring the line to service. This exercise was the result of collaborative efforts between the Utilities Division and SECMG over several months to make improvements to their Pipeline Safety Program. These efforts include updating the Emergency Response Plan, updating the Operations & Maintenance Manual, updating the Operator Qualification Plan and conducting training.
Air Quality – Data Management & Compliance Tracking
Unlike oil or produced water spills, when air pollutants are released from an exhaust pipe or a flare they leave no trace, seemingly disappearing into the air. Therefore, tribal, state and federal regulations require businesses to keep detailed records of activities which produce air pollution. SECMG air quality specialists help by suggesting methods to collect the required information, developing data management systems to store and organize it and creating automated reports to satisfy regulatory reporting requirements.
Los Pinos River Pipeline Replacement Project
In the winter of 2011, Red Cedar Gathering operations personnel observed that one of their natural gas pipelines was near the surface of the bed of the Los Pinos River. This exposure created potential safety concerns. Upon receipt of the appropriate permits, Red Cedar flumed the flow of the river to maintain water quality, cut and removed the old pipeline and reinstalled a new section at a lower depth. By employing best management practices, the water quality of the river was maintained and the surrounding wetlands that were impacted during construction were restored to their original state.
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